How We Do
CamAgra’s activities are guided by the concept of sustainability, through which economic and social progress is achieved without damaging the environment. CamAgra’s plantations are managed in aim to provide a sustainable wood supply to meet with the worldwide increasing demands. In order to ensure sustainable productivity, the company developed management program concentrates on the operating procedures that optimize the production.
These silvicultural practices take into account also the social and environmental issues. Special attention is given to keeping ecological corridors and riparian buffer zones along the streams and rivers crossing the plantations.
Camagra’s plantations are playing an important role in efforts to sustain commercial supply of wood products while reducing pressure on natural forest ecosystems and provide livelihoods for the rural communities.
The company nursery produces high quality seedlings from cuttings. The high seedling quality ensures high rate of survival and fast seedlings establishment. The nursery production meets with the company’s plantations demand.
We choose to use Acacia as the tree species for our plantations. The biological diversity of the Acacia flora represents a vast economic, environmental, and social resource. As exotics, acacias are planted in over 70 countries and cover about 2 million hectares. Despite the large number of species in the genus, relatively few are intensively cultivated, suggesting that the potential of many species remains unexplored. In addition, there is a significant potential for artificial hybridization. Species of the genus Acacia are important plantation species for tropical South-East Asian countries and the Pacific, due to its rapid growth and tolerance of very poor soils often found in the tropics. The Rhizobium nodules associated with their roots fix atmospheric nitrogen, and thereby reducing the need for heavy chemical fertilization.
Acacia has hard, durable wood which is suitable for large variety of products such as: Sawn timber, furniture, veneers, fuel wood and charcoal.
Our Steps
Site preparation and planting
As sustainable approach strongly relies on forest regeneration after logging. Following harvesting, the site is replanted.