
About Us

CamAgra Investment Group Ltd

CamAgra Investment Group Ltd has initiated a large-scale operation of Acacia plantations in Cambodia. The reforestation activity started in 2003.

​CamAgra is directly involved in building and putting into action systems for an environmentally sustainable and socially conscious business. The company plantations are situated on lands that were deforested long ago and stripped of any productive value. The strong demand for wood materials places our silvicultural businesses to great advantage in terms of export of product.

As a socially compassionate business, CamAgra benefits the local community in many ways. People in the rural areas traditionally have very few employment opportunities. By creating new income sources in these areas, CamAgra is helping to improve the livelihood of working families. The company employs about 500 workers and provides them accommodations on site, two schools for their children daily including transportation back and forth to the schools, medicine, food, and attention to all their other needs.

The company is also involved in local and national activities. We donate Acacia seedlings to the villages around us and we established a forest plantation for a commune in Kampong Speu province. We support students who want to make their final thesis in our farm. We participate in national committees and meetings dealing with forestry issues, representing the private sector.

About Us

The Team

Mr. Gil Livni

Mr. Livni is the founder and CEO of the company since 2004. Spend his time between USA and Cambodia.

Dr. Nir Atzmon
General Manager

Dr. Atzmon has managed CamAgra’s forest plantations since 2008. He established the operation structure, managing system and the seedlings production nursery. Previously, he served as senior researcher in the Department of Natural Resources, ARO (Agricultural Research Organization), The Volcani Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Bet-Dagan, Israel. He was nominated by the Minister of Agriculture to be the Israeli National Forest Commissioner. Dr. Atzmon represented Israel in different international committees and organizations.

Mr. Sem Sinuon
Operational Manager & GM deputy

Mr. Sem graduated from the Royal University of Agriculture. During his studies, he was selected to take part in the Agro-Studies Program in Israel. Mr. Sem did his final thesis study in CamAgra’s nursery and after his graduation, in 2010, he joined the company staff. Since than he successfully completed different duties in the company. In 2016 he was nominated for the Operational Manager & GM deputy.

Mr. Hong Chandaravuth
Administration & Field Operation Monitoring Manager

Mr. Daravuth graduated for master’s degree of Intergraded Management for Agriculture and Rural Development (GIDAR) at graduated school in 2013. Graduated bachelor’s degree in forestry science of Royal University of Agriculture in 2008, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He specialized in GIS & RS and Database Management. From 2020 Mr. Daravuth is the Field Operation Manager.

Mrs. UT Karanin
Secretary & accountant

Mrs. Ut Karanin graduated Master Degree of Finance from National University of Management. She served as an accountant with Telecommunication Company and Maersk Line Company. She has been working with CamAgra for 17 years with Finance, Accounting and Administration responsibilities.